Pastor Bill's Blog

Welcome to Pastor Bill Uetricht's Blog!  He looks forward to sharing his thoughts with you regarding the life of our congregation and our work in the world.


July 1, 2024
Good Leaders

As a leader, I often think of what good leadership looks like, an issue that certainly applies to our current presidential election. 

June 29, 2024
Climate Change

There is no straight line from climate change to individual storms. 

June 26, 2024
Thoughts in Greece

Being in Greece makes me think a lot about the ancient, the contemporary, tradition, ritual, and relevance. 

June 24, 2024

While traveling through Greece, I have been finishing "Exvangelicals" a book about the exit from Evangelicalism, particularly since the Trump presidency. 

June 17, 2024
Fear Politics

I must register a protest against the politics of fear. 
