About Us
Our Mission
The mission of First Lutheran Church is: to live and grow together, following Christ’s calling to love, serve, and welcome our neighbors.
Our Vision
As sinners drenched in God’s grace, we are a vibrant family of faith seeking a deeper connection with Jesus, each other, and the world.
Our Values
- We believe that the church has deep roots but always must be open to change. We are rooted in tradition but hospitable to reformation.
- We trust that God in Christ is hospitable to the world and that the center of our calling is hospitality and the fellowship that accompanies hospitality.
- We know that the journey to follow Jesus involves a life-long commitment to learning.
- We value diversity in all of its forms, thriving particularly on the interaction between the generations and between those from different socio-economic backgrounds.
- We treasure the gifts that come from the visual, dramatic, and musical arts.
- We think that the faith is too much of a gift from God for us to take ourselves or our opinions too seriously. We want a sense of holy hilarity to characterize our life together.
- We believe that the church is most faithfully the church when it is deeply connected to its community and oriented toward the world.
- We are convinced that the journey outward into service in the community is best accompanied by the inward journey of prayer and theological reflection.