Calling on our Lutheran heritage, our worship services follow a liturgical style. “Liturgy” is a word that means “the work of the people.” We believe the whole church family can be engaged in worship! While many of the liturgies we follow come from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, we like to change up the style of service on a regular basis to keep our worship services fresh and meaningful. We enjoy using a variety of styles of music in our worship, from spirituals to traditional hymns to more modern contemporary praise and worship style music.
While we like to variety in our worship experience, there are four basic elements that we follow. These elements are part of the order of worship that dates back to the earliest Christian communities.
- Gathering – As the people of God, we are called together in worship and prayer.
- Word – We claim that God is active among all of us and comes into our presence in the public reading of scripture, through the preaching of the Word, and through song.
- Meal – Having heard the Word of God and trusting in God’s promises for us, we partake of a meal together where Jesus feeds us and sustains us for our work in the world.
- Sending – As we have heard God’s Word and been fed and strengthened in the meal, we are sent forth by God’s blessing to serve the world as God calls us.
We offer a worship bulletin, projection screen, and informal instructions as guides for worshippers. Lutheran worship services are often known for a good amount of standing and kneeling. Please feel free to remain seated, if that’s more comfortable or convenient for you. We welcome your participation as you are able.
Holy Communion
We believe Jesus Christ sets the Holy Communion table and extends his hands to welcome all baptized Christians. All are welcome to come forward and share the meal with us. Children are also welcome to come forward to receive a blessing. If you are not able to walk to the front of the church to receive communion, please let one of the ushers know and we will bring the communion to your seat.
Our church building is handicap accessible. To access the sanctuary for worship, please use the front doors facing Whitehall Road. Other parts of our building are accessible by an elevator located in the hallway behind the Fellowship Hall. If you require additional accommodations, please contact the church office at 231-744-1522 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Our Nursery is a trusting, safe, and loving environment. Your child will get to know and begin to love their teachers/caregivers. And as children begin to love their teacher, they get to know God working through them.
The Nursery is located just inside the main front doors (facing Whitehall Road). In order to provide a secure environment for all children, we request that only children age 4 and under stay in the Nursery. We have a sign-in/sign-out procedure and can provide parents with a pager upon request. We have childcare supplies on hand and are diligent about keeping our Nursery clean.