Just a Bunch of Hypocrites
The Body of Christ is composed of broken people, sinners.
Your friends who say they want to avoid the church because the church is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites are absolutely right in their judgment. We’re a bunch of hypocrites--just like them. The church is a school for hypocrites. It’s where we can learn to deal with our hypocrisy. It’s where we can learn how hard it is to love. It is where we can learn how to deal with conflict. ("Where two or three are gathered....")
It's popular these days to talk about the hypocrisy and judgmentalism of the church. I am one who thinks there is justification for these charges brought against us. We too often say one thing and do another, judge other people when such judgment rightfully ought to be leveled against us. But something I have noticed is that sometimes this claim can be a means to cover up the judgment that people bring on themselves. With such judgment comes shame. And when they act out of shame or the judgment they bring on themselves, they look for rejection. It's others who are judgmental or rejecting of me. I think we need to own our faults, but we also probably ought to encourage others to own their own.